Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Error during sqlDataSource.Update() instruction

Hi, I have such a problem:

I try to update (or insert) a row in my table and i fail althought i,ve read many posts here. I.ve created a button and "on_click" event to this button and want that event to update or insert a record in my table. I wrote:

protected void selectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String taskID = projectsGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[0].Text;
usersSqlDataSource.UpdateCommand = "update [Users] set [TaskID]=@.task where [UserID]=1";
usersSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters.Add("task", taskID);

The application creates error in the last line of code (usersSqlDataSource.Update();) and i receive such an error:

You have specified that your update command compares all values on SqlDataSource 'usersSqlDataSource', but the dictionary passed in for oldValues is empty.
Pass in a valid dictionary for update or change your mode to OverwriteChanges.
For me it looks like there is a problem while setting parameters. Shall i change some properties of the sqlDataSource or GridView? Please help.. 

Not seeing the code for your SqlDataSource, it's hard to tell. However, I suspect that you need to change the SqlDataSource.ConflictDetection property to OverwriteChanges instead of CompareAllValues.


Yes!! It works!!!

The beginnings are difficult, thank you very much ;)

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