This is the error I get for the database named, "NoteServe4005". I get this
error for all databases whether I attempt to backup manually or automaticall
[4] Database NoteServe4005: Transaction Log Backup...
Destination: & #91;c:\backup\NoteServe4005\NoteServe400
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 3241: [Microsoft]
91;ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The media family on device 'c:\bac
405041500.TRN' is incorrectly formed
. SQL Server cannot process this media fami
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]BACKUP LOG is ter
minating abnormally.
I searched support for the error pulling up only KB:297104 which says that t
his can happen when transaction log files exceed 4GB. However, the T-Log in
this example is only 50MB. It also says the error is fixed by SP1 and I have
SP3a. There's also a worka
round which involves setting the trace flag to 3111, but that didn't seem to
make a difference either.
Ideas?If this file " c:\backup\NoteServe4005\NoteServe4005_tl
og_200405041500.TRN" e
xists, delete it.Make sure that you also have sufficient disk space to store
the new backup(s). HTH.
-- Garrett Taylor wrote: --
This is the error I get for the database named, "NoteServe4005". I get this
error for all databases whether I attempt to backup manually or automaticall
[4] Database NoteServe4005: Transaction Log Backup...
Destination: & #91;c:\backup\NoteServe4005\NoteServe400
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 3241: [Microsoft]
91;ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The media family on device 'c:\bac
405041500.TRN' is incorrectly formed
. SQL Server cannot process this media
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]BACKUP LOG is ter
minating abnormally.
I searched support for the error pulling up only KB:297104 which says that t
his can happen when transaction log files exceed 4GB. However, the T-Log in
this example is only 50MB. It also says the error is fixed by SP1 and I have
SP3a. There's also a
workaround which involves setting the trace flag to 3111, but that didn't se
em to make a difference either.
Ideas?|||The file doesn't already exist and I have more than 50GB
free where my transaction file is only 50MB.
>--Original Message--
>If this file "c:\backup\NoteServe4005
\NoteServe4005_tlog_200405041500.TRN" exists, delete
it.Make sure that you also have sufficient disk space to
store the new backup(s). HTH.
> -- Garrett Taylor wrote: --
> This is the error I get for the database
named, "NoteServe4005". I get this error for all databases
whether I attempt to backup manually or automatically.
> [4] Database NoteServe4005: Transaction Log Backup...
> Destination: [c:\backup\NoteServe4005
> [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error
3241: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The
media family on device 'c:\backup\NoteServe4005
\NoteServe4005_tlog_200405041500.TRN' is incorrectly
formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.
> [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]
BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
> I searched support for the error pulling up only
KB:297104 which says that this can happen when transaction
log files exceed 4GB. However, the T-Log in this example
is only 50MB. It also says the error is fixed by SP1 and I
have SP3a. There's also a workaround which involves
setting the trace flag to 3111, but that didn't seem to
make a difference either.
> Ideas?
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