In ODBC Data Source Administrator, I add the SQL Server driver, complete a name and select my local SQL Server instance, select Windows NT authentication (the client configuration is set to TCP/IP, dynamically determine port) and on clicking Next, the following errors occur:
Connection failed:
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server error: 2
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).
Connection failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server error: 17
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
I note that in the Help it says: "The SQL Server system administrator must have associated your Microsoft Windows login with a SQL Server login ID".
Is this the problem? If so, where do I make this association?
Thanking you in anticipation.
In a default installation of SQL Express, every user on a computer can at least connect to the server. The fact that you're connection is failing suggests that something else is wrong. Based on the error, the most likely cause is that you've mis-typed the server name. SQL Express installs to a named instance so you need to provide both the machine name and instance name in your connection, be default, the instance name is SQLEXPRESS, so your server name would be <machinename>\SQLEXPRES. For local connection you can replace <machinename> with "(local)" or "." Note that it's a back slash, people commonly use the forward slash which will cause an error.
If that doesn't help, verify which SQL driver you are using, there are two of them. It looks like you're using the Native Client, which is good, but if you're using the old MDAC driver (just says "SQL Server" in the list) then you'll need to enable the TCP protocol for the Server using the SQL Configuration Manager. MDAC ODBC connection go through TCP, even for local connections.
I would suggest to refer &
Hemantgiri S. Goswami
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