Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Error after installing Whidbey!

I've installed Whidbey (VS Studio .net 2005 beta 1) (i already had VS .Net
2003 installed as well) and now I can't open my old sql databases! An
mmc.exrror comes up: The instruction at "0x00000000" referenced memory at
"0x00000000". The memory could not be "read". Any idea how this could be
fixed? Cheers in advance.Nab wrote:
> I've installed Whidbey (VS Studio .net 2005 beta 1) (i already had VS
> .Net 2003 installed as well) and now I can't open my old sql
> databases! An mmc.exrror comes up: The instruction at "0x00000000"
> referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read".
> Any idea how this could be fixed? Cheers in advance.
I sure hope you didn't install on a production server. Beta software is
not certified for production use. The two .Net editions should co-exist
without a problem. In fact, that's one of the benefits of .Net. That is,
it supports multiple installed versions (in production form).
What do you mean "can't open your SQL databases"? It's not clear what's
installed on your PC, where your SQL Servers are located (local vs.
server). Are you saying that SQL 2000 runs fine, but SQL EM won't allow
you to browse your server? What application are you running?
David Gugick
Imceda Software

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